The textures of everyday life are often ignored due to their mundane nature. However, nothing colors one's passive perception of a landscape quite like the textures that fill it in. With my project Remembrance: Quilt for Idaho I explore how textural elements evoke a sense of place by turning my lens towards the textures in the region surrounding the small town of Troy, Idaho; where I spent my early childhood. The work consists of 81 polaroids focusing on the textures of Idaho’s patchworked landscapes that were hand-sewed together to create a quilt. I am inspired by the work of quilters who meticulously sew scraps of fabric together to record their personal histories; a process that deepens one's understanding of themselves and where they come from. I created a Polaroid quilt to fulfill that same desire within myself. In this piece, each Polaroid is one square of a patchwork quilt, exploring how the individual textures found compose a larger conceptual picture of where I was born.
Remembrance: Quilt for Idaho, 2023. Polaroid film and thread, 40"x32".
Close-ups of  "Remembrance: Quilt for Idaho"
Installation of "Remembrance: quilt for Idaho" at Shutter and Light Collectives: "Frame X Frame Film Photography Show" 2023.
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